Board Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. LOCATION @ Ottawa Hills High School, Auditorium
Grand Rapids Public School Board
Monday, Dec. 9, 2024
Time unavailable
BOARD OF EDUCATION Auditorium Grand Rapids Public Schools Ottawa Hills High School
GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION Auditorium | Grand Rapids Public Schools Ottawa Hills High School 2055 Rosewood SE 6:30 p.m. We welcome and appreciate your presence at this meeting of the Grand Rapids Public Schools Board of Education. We respectfully request that you turn off cellular phones and refrain from clapping, cheering, or making audible comments. We invite you to make formal public comment during the designated times on either agenda items, non-agenda items, or if you wish, on both. To do so, please fill out the comment card and submit it to the Board Assistant or Public Safety Officer. Comments are limited to three minutes. Strategic Plan Themes: ST1- Meet holistic scholar needs ST2- Optimize/value all school options ST3- Ensure equitable access/outcomes ST4- Enhance curriculum/program opportunities ST5- Cultivate an engaged, impactful, diverse workforce ST6- Create a culture of trust/collaboration/stewardship
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Agency Information
Grand Rapids Public School Board
The Grand Rapids Board of Education turned 150 years old on April 11, 2021 and is comprised of nine dedicated and passionate individuals who are publicly elected to four-year terms. The Board works closely with the Superintendent on policy, budget, legislative, academic, and operational matters to meet the mission of Grand Rapids Public Schools.
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12:00 a.m. EST