Public Health & Safety Standing Committee

Detroit City Council


Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Eric Walton

Reviews predatory parking practices; changes city code for FEMA insurance, no guns for violent criminals, and more.

Live reporting by Kayleigh Lickliter

Reviews predatory parking practices; changes city code for FEMA insurance, no guns for violent criminals, and more.

Kayleigh Lickliter @kayleighrenel
Good afternoon!🌧🎉

I’ll be live-tweeting the Detroit City Council Public Health & Safety Standing Committee meeting today at 10:00am for #DETdocumenters.

@media_outlier @Detour_Detroit @BridgeDet313 @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @DETdocumenters

08:51 AM Oct 4, 2021 CDT

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Here is the agenda for today👇🏼

I’m either blind, or there are no city council events on the website. The agenda was sent to city email subscribers on Friday.
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The public can attend the meeting via Zoom, watching online or tv and/or by calling in. Here are the instructions for each method 👇🏼
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If you’re following along with me today:

âś… = sent to formal session with recommendation for approval
❌ = sent to formal without approval
♻️ = item will be brought back next meeting
🚨= public comment
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Annnd the meeting is called to order at 10:00am! 🎉
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🚨 Public Comment!

1. Mr. Cunningham: questioned why the public was asked to provide input about the DDOT service cuts when the questions/concerns are never responded to. Concerned about people not being notified that their route will be cut
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2. Karen Winston - voiced frustration about being cut off when giving public comment. Has concerns about the water protection ordinance and tax exemptions.
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3. Frank - he is one of the individuals who wasn’t notified about their bus route being cut. He has to walk 5 miles to catch his route to Birmingham. Said SMART is outperforming DDOT.
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4. Ms. Stewart: connectivity issues.

5. Melanie: Executive Director of Greektown Neighborhood Partnership. Opposed the food truck ordinance and provided multiple concerns including taking business from brick & mortar stores, creates traffic/parking issues, loitering, etc
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6. Yvette - addressed concerns about alleged predatory parking at a lot adjacent to the music hall. She explained the fines she received and trouble she’s gone through.

Note: this is related to #2 on the agenda
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6. (Cont’d) Here is the Legislative Policy Division’s report on the matter, which describes the circumstances of her concerns about predatory parking.
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7. Mason: requested council’s help addressing the labor shortage and other issues that has led to DDOT service cuts. Said that bus riders pay the price for the departmental issues.
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8. Rochella Stewart: asked council to consider expanding the roof program that the Mayor’s office announced last week. Said people need assistance with windows, furnaces. Also doesn’t feel the $$ is helping enough residents.
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More info on the “Renew Detroit” program 👉🏼…
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And that concludes public comment!

McCalister addressed the Renew Detroit program question. He explained the process of getting that $ to residents and said that the program will be expanding to cover other repairs.
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Benson addressed DDOT concerns and said they have requested union representatives meet with council so they can address a lot of the concerns described. He expects that to happen in the near future.
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👉🏼 Moving forward and we’re onto agenda items.

❌ Benson advised that there is an error with #9. Motion to remove this item from the agenda was approved.
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âś… Motion to receive and file line items #2, 6, 17 and 20 passed
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♻️ Motion to bring back line items 3-5 and 19 on a date to be determined is approved.
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👉🏼 Line item 2 was discussed. LPD and the Law Dept both concluded that there needs to be an investigation into the parking lot practices. They specifically noted the licensing of the lot. It was clarified that BSEED is the governing agency.
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♻️ Motion to bring back line item #2 in two weeks to further discuss concerns related to predatory parking lot practices is approved
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👉🏼 Now onto the public hearing for line item #1. This is an ordinance amendment to revise floodplain management regulations.
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Vie Serifovski with BSEED explained that FEMA revised the flood insurance map. These revisions will ensure they are in compliance with federal regulations and allows them to qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program.
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🚨 Public Comment for Public Hearing regarding the FEMA revisions.

1. Karen - said she wants to make sure this doesn’t allow Wayne County to continue treating Detroit as their own entity. Referred to the concerns about separating Wayne County assistance from Detroit’s funding.
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That was the only person present for public comment under the hearing.

âś… Motion to move line item C, the FEMA ordinance revision, onto New Business with recommendation for approval passes.
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👉🏼 Line item 1 is a contract to provide 500 SD cards and installation services for DPD’s Green Light Program.

McCalister Jr asked questions about liability and damage concerns and % of Detroiters who they employ vs. will be working under the contract.
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Gail Fulton clarified that they require contractors to provide their own equipment which reduces liability. She also said Detroiters will be working on these job site.
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❌ Motion to move line item 1 out of Committee to Formal without recommendation is approved
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👉🏼Line item 7.

Christina Kennedy, Law Dept, asked that this be brought be back in one week so that the attorney who finalized the language can answer questions
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Scott Benson explained that the ordinance aligns with a grant application to prevent gun violence casualties, specifically in circumstances of domestic violence.
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Christina Kennedy, Law Department, said this brings the city in line with state statute. She said this ordinance will allow the city to charge firearm crimes that are in violation of state law, without having to wait for the state to act.
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Ayer’s said she appreciates the leadership on this effort.

McCalister addressed a question about requiring a conviction. Benson clarified that this does require a conviction of certain misdemeanors or greater, not just an allegation.
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If approved, individuals who are convicted of a violent crime or domestic violence in the city of Detroit will no longer be able to purchase a firearm or apply for a firearm permit. This removes the need for a state conviction.
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With regard to the timeline of approval, benson said they are working with the law department on the renaming of the ordinance. This will be on the regular formal session agenda on October 12th. Then brought back for introduction & setting public hearing for October 25th
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âś… Motion to move the firearm ordinance to regular agenda with recommendation is approved
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👉🏼 Line Item 18.

Amanda Rzotkiewicz, DPD Grants, explained that this provides full time program manager. They are working to create a coalition time working group to review law enforcement policy regarding domestic violence offenders
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âś… motion to move line item 18 to new business with recommendation is approved.
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👉🏼 Demolition Contracts, line item 8 and 10-13.

There was a question about status of a certification for a contracted or agreement. Tim Glavine with OCP said Inner City Contracting’s certification is under review with CRIO so they’re not applying equalization credits
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In response to McCalister’s question, Glavine confirmed that the emergency demolition for line item 12 was already conducted
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McCalister asked how many Detroit residents were assigned to contract 12. Glavine said they don’t currently track that info. LaJuan Counts clarified that 2/4 staff on site were Detroiters.
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âś… Line item 8 and 10-13 are moved to formal with recommendation
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âś… Line item 14 is moved to formal with recommendation
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👉🏼 Line Item 15 for an increase in funds for speed cushions. It was clarified that this isn’t for an increase in price, its for an increase in quantity of speed cushions. There was discussion about the differences between asphalt/rubber

âś… Moved to formal with recommendation.
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âś… Line item 16 is moved to formal with recommendation.
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👉🏼 Moving back to further discuss the EMS contract for 24-hour service for casinos. Ayers said that the Fire Dept doesn’t have the staffing capacity to provide 24-hour services at casinos, so this contract allows for that
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Benson pointed out the lower cost associated with outsourcing the work. He said that instead of the city taking on the cost of their own crews and equipment, the burden is then shifted to the contractor
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With nothing further on today’s agenda, the meeting is adjourned at 11:45pm.
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AM* not pm 🙄

Agency Information

Detroit City Council

See Documenters reporting

The Detroit City Council is the legislative body of Detroit, Michigan, United States. The Council is responsible for the creation of local laws—called ordinances. Additionally they pass resolutions, motions, and the proposed city budget. The full-time council is required to meet every business day for at least 10 months of the year, with at least eight of these meetings occurring at a location besides city hall. The council may convene for special meetings at the call of the mayor or at least four members of council. Areas of responsibility for the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee include, Budget, Finance and the Auditor General.

City Council members are elected on the same cycle as the Mayor and will be elected in 2021. Seven members represent the seven council districts, while two members are elected at-large.


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