Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards

Chicago City Council


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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Erin Rusmi

Cannabis equity, Six Corners Sears redevelopment, West Loop loophole

Live reporting by Isabelle Stroobandt

Cannabis equity, Six Corners Sears redevelopment, West Loop loophole

Izzy Stroobandt @izzystroobandt
Good morning, folks! I'm live-tweeting the Chicago City Council Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting today at 11:00 a.m. for @CHIdocumenters

🧵⬇️ #chidocumenters #Chicago #chicagolandmarks

11:00 AM Sep 8, 2021 CDT

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@CHIdocumenters The meeting is starting up! The Chairman decided the meeting would be unsafe in person, so all members are joining remotely. You can follow along with my thread, or watch the live stream here:…
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Chairman @AldTomTunney has conducted roll and there is a quorum. The minutes from last week were approved and we are moving forward swiftly.
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@AldTomTunney The meeting agenda for today can be seen here:…
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@AldTomTunney There are 10 public speakers signed up today for comment. First up is Willie J.R. Fleming, a representative and owner of Public Square Craft Grow.
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@AldTomTunney "We would like that you note that the goal of this was to always help social equity applicants who are Black and brown," Fleming said of the cannabis social equity legislation.
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@AldTomTunney (spelling of public comment participants were not provided in the agenda, so they could be wrong, sorry!)
"Please don't add this building to the growing list of large vacant buildings in Chicago," Michael Demello, Chamber of Commerce president said of the Sears at risk.
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@AldTomTunney Kimmy Jordan is now speaking. Here to urge a no vote on the zoning reclassification for 1201 W Washington. The reclassification is hoping to reclassify units that are now affordable housing into a hotel.
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@AldTomTunney "Chicagoans like me don't have an escape route, why should this developer have one?" Jordan said.
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@AldTomTunney Marvin Noriega, now speaking also against 1201 W Washington's reclassification, lived in Hermosa until recently. "Why does the developer say they want to develop modern, affordable housing but also want the ability to turn half of it into hotel rooms?"
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@AldTomTunney A representative of @UniteHerelocal1 also speaking against 1201: If the development team truly seeks to provide workforce housing, they should not need or keep this loophole. Can you imagine being told one day you need to move because your home is being turned into a hotel room?
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Edie Moore, a longtime resident of the 5th ward and formerly of executive director of Chicago NORML, is now speaking. Before that, she was a part-owner of a company that won a medical cannabis dispensary license.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "There was once a Black-owned dispensary on the south side, and then there wasn't. The root cause was zoning," Moore explained, previously an owner of that dispensary.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "There is no time to waste. New cannabis businesses need to get to market quickly," Moore said, adding that disallowing B3 building types will make the search for cannabusiness building space in South and West Side communities much more difficult and costly for entrepreneurs.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Craig Moore is now speaking. "The way that the zoning was changed to be configured, the vast majority of suitable spaces would probably fall into the B3 and C1 zone. So we need the B3's back."
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The public speaking has concluded. Moving on to appointments... (A-2021-136) Re-Appointment of Laura L Flores as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission is now speaking. "I'm excited and honored to have been reappointed," she said, "I'm one of the few Latinas ever appointed."
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Flores is currently the director of operations of JGMA, an architecture group focused on affordable and accessible housing in Chicago.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The motion is passed. Moving onto (A-2021-137) Re-Appointment of Guacolda E. Reyes as a member of the Chicago Plan Commission.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "I can say that I have been, for over 25 years, working in the field of affordable housing," Reyes said. "I am honored and I would like to continue to strive for more decent, safe affordable housing in Chicago."
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The appointment is passed, both will continue their work on the Plan Commission. Moving to Or2021-173 (43rd Ward) Demolition of a non-contributing building in a historical landmark district located at 513 W Fullerton Parkway (Mid-North Landmark District)
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 No questions from the board. The order is passed unanimously.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Moving on to a direct introduction. A correction to Ordinance, O2020-5757, for the property located at 1810-1820 N Wells St.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 In general, this was a process issue. There's no discussion from the board, and the ordinance correction is passed.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Now hearing "LARGE SIGNS OVER 100 FEET IN AREA, 24 FEET ABOVE GRADE –"
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 No questions by committee members. These orders are passed. Moving onto the text amendments.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 First, O2021-3239 Amendment of Municipal Code Chapter 18-28 regarding mechanical systems and building provisions, and coordinating amendments of Chapters 2-116, 4-344, 4-376, 11-20, 14A-1, 14M-1 and 18-36.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Ald. Beale is asking if the code is essentially authorizing a ventilation system that recycles air as opposed to releasing exhaust.

Matt Beaudet, in favor of ordinance: It captures the warm or cool air based on what would be more energy-efficient for the season and recycles.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The item is passed as amended. Tunney says there's still work to be done, there are additional comments to be made about green energy in the future.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Moving onto O2021-3249 Amendment of Municipal Code Chapters 17-3, 17-7, 17-9 and 17-14 regarding cannabis-related establishments.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Raymond Lopez says that this was not received until 90 minutes before the meeting today. Encourages everyone to say no so that they can have time to appropriately look over the ordinance.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Ald. Beale: "Something of this magnitude should not be rushed or shoved down our throat at the last minute."
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Ald. Beale makes a motion to leave this ordinance on the table, which means the discussion would end.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Tunney concurs that there was late notice.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 To review: the ordinance eliminated the B3 and further clarified the downtown exclusion. Alderman Beale made a motion to lay it on the table, to allow the members to further review the changes before making a decision, and the board is now voting on leave it on the table or not.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The motion to leave on the table did not pass. Motion to accept ordinance was conducted, objections from Beale and Lopez on accepting the substitute.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Walter Burnett, "There's a lot of social equity folks who've been waiting on this thing to happen to they can make it into the industry, and they've been waiting for a long time. So I just wanted to mention that, so folks can understand, delaying any of this actually hurts folks"
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Will Shih, from the mayor's office, is now speaking on the ordinance.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 There is a special use process for all cannabis businesses generally, going first through the zoning board of appeals. We added a distance from schools, 500 ft, and created a downtown exclusion zone where cannabis businesses aren't allowed.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Shih says that most dispensaries are in the suburbs, not the city.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 There are 119 dispensary licenses for the region that includes the city, but they also have the option to choose areas outside of the city that fall into the BLS region.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 An update on the lottery distribution and the restrictions under current state law:
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 An important point: the main authority that the city has over cannabis businesses are the time, place and manner they are able to operate (through zoning)
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The ordinance proposal today is split into four parts: statement of values, exclusion zone, zoning table changes, and lottery and cap changes.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Statement of values:
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "We never thought we were creating a system that was permanent, we always knew we were going to have to adjust as more licenses became available," Shih said.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 The old exclusion zone compared to the new proposal:
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 By increasing some of the space available downtown, it may be that there is slightly less pressure in the neighborhood areas (where people might want to see it less), Shih explains.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Shih says these proposals are intended to hopefully bring more dispensaries to the city (instead of settling in the suburbs like previously).
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 That concludes the presentation, Shih is now taking questions.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Ald. Burnett: I'm still very concerned about the social equity applicants selling their licenses to non-social equity people. We need to find a way to make social equity go in perpetuity. I still don't understand why we can't do that.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Shih: The city doesn't have the ability to license. He says he shares the concern that there's a risk in the social equity falling out entirely when companies sell, so by making the pathway to opening easier, it will decrease the likelihood that SE companies get to selling.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Burnett: "We feel so powerless with this thing. There has to be a way that we can encourage folks to give a certain percent of this to social equity"
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Shih: We do a good job in this ordinance in preserving the community process in special use that has to take place ahead of opening. The distinction is not being able to write a license that says you can explicitly sell under these circumstances because of state law.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Burnett: I have two companies in my ward, the one on Weed St for example, they put their company in a building that was owned by an African American gentleman, so he got some of the profit -- when that company sold that relationship and commitment wasn't honored.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "I'm extremely disturbed at this whole process," Ald. Beale says, adding "it's the same people telling us we need to vote for this today are the same people telling us we needed to vote a few years ago and there's still no Black or Latino support in this."
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "We're not getting a piece of this pie because the same people who wrote this law are the same people who own the dispensaries," Ald Beale said. "We're being hoodwinked once again. At the end of the day, there isn't going to be any minority ownership in this industry"
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 "The social equity applicants that are winning, before the ink is even dried, they're selling them to the highest bidder. That's not helping our communities," Beale said, ending with encouragement for everyone to vote no.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Shih: What we have to look at is what that approach would do. That would lock in some of the existing players, without letting some of the smaller players get in.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 It's a catch-22: Vote yes and move forward so that the large operators don't continue to sell with no competition, and so the people who've been waiting all this time can get started. However, that means moving forward with legislation some members don't feel safeguards equity.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Vote no, however, and the process will continue to be on hold, and perpetuate issues that've cropped up as a result of the already year-long wait for these licenses.
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@AldTomTunney @UniteHerelocal1 Villegas: We lost $6M from companies going into the suburbs, and I thought we would've learned a lesson on that. Also, what's the timeline for lounges?
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Harry Osterman: It would be helpful to get one or two pages before we vote next weekend on the overall process in Springfield. It seems every day there’s different information on what’s going on and it’s hard to keep track.
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Osterman: Is there anything, besides the rule that prevents dispensaries from opening within a 1500 ft radius of each other, that’s preventing there are certain proliferations in parts of the city?
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Osterman: This last question is a prelude to the budget, but, is there an entity somewhere that can work with applicants to see what they can and can’t do? As opposed to requiring them figure it out with a zoning map.
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Ald Lopez: I will not allow myself to be guilted into action simply because people say delay will hurt social equity applicants. Those people have been hurt by this process from the very beginning. Two years later, they still cannot get it right in Springfield.
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Lopez: Nothing has been fixed or rectified and we’re rushing to approve people to do the same mistakes again, in the same body with the same group of Alderman.
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Lopez: I cannot do this in good conscious, knowing we’re rushing through this. Granted, we have a pandemic, but we also have a government that knows how to chew gum and walk at the same time—or at least I thought they did.
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Shih: from the administrations perspective, we’ve had B3 included since the beginning, we feel like it opens up spaces where the council might want to have more input and would open up more spaces in the South and West Side wards.
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C1 zoning map
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Ald Sophia King: The irony that the same people who were locked up for marijuana are being locked out by this process— the economic disparity here is pretty egregious.
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King: We can limit ownership, number of dispensaries, re-define whay social equity means in Chicago. Did we look at these and weigh these options?
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Shih: My understanding is that we don’t have those powers because we don’t control licensing, it’s kind of unique compared to liqueur even.
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David Moore: Of that 199, how many of them are actual minority majority owners?

Shih doesn’t know the number off the top of his head, is offering to give the list of LLC’s to Moore.
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Ald Dowell: Is the applicant required to set up the community meeting? to my knowledge, the meeting is more for the company to provide information and there isn’t control over what is said. The Ald should have input or it should be a joint meeting.
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Ald Moore is again requesting the exact number of how many of the 119 applicants are majority-minority owned be stated in record. Tunney says that information will be sent by IGA, he says these are held in corporations and the % within that LLC isn’t fully transparent or public
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Byron Sigcho Lopez: What would be the impact/concern abt pushing this another month?

Shih: The goal is to not be caught flat footed when the second round of licenses is issued
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Ald Raymond Lopez is for the third time requesting more information about the 119 applicants.

Almost all are LLCs, so how are they assigned social equity? How do we ensure they are truly?
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Shih: The state has a licensing procedure where the ownership structure must be outlined and that information is verified. That procedure does not have ethnic or racial specific requirements, it’s based on a map of disproportionately impacted areas.
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That specific ownership information is not public, however. That information is held by the secretary of state.

Lopez is worried about there being rigging against communities it’s designed to help by just rolling with this structure we’re unsure is effective.
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Tunney announces a 10 minute recess. Will reconvene at 1:50pm.
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And we’re back! Tunney announces they are going to pull the cannabis issue for now and move on with the meeting to ensure things can move smoothly.
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Lopez clarifies whether they will be returning to the issue today, Tunney says yes but later, and Lopez asks to defer the issue. Tunney says they've already moved on and rejected the request for a deferral.
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Moving on: NO. A-8713 (17th & 6th WARDS) #02021-733.
Address: 543-555 W 78th St; 7800-7838 S Fielding Ave; and 552-574 W 79th St. The applicants are Ald David Moore and Ald Roderick Sawyer. Request: M1-2 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District to T Transportation District
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Patrick Murphey also expresses support and a motion of approval is made. Item passes.
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Now NO. A-8714 (17th WARD)DOCUMENT #02021-3085
Address: 6015-659 W 79th St; 7901-7909 S Union Ave and 7901-7915 S Lowe Ave
Applicant: Ald David Moore
Request: B1-2 Neighborhood Shopping District and M1-2 Limited Manufacturing/ Business Park District to T Transportation District
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These will be new public transportation stops. Ald Moore expresses a lot of support for this project, the stops will be the first of their kind in the area and are needed.

The motion passes.
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Moving quickly to NO. A-8709 (44th WARD) #02021-2418, Address: 3401-3425 N Seminary Ave; 1014-1048 W Roscoe St; 1015-1043 W Roscoe St
Applicant: Alderman Tom Tunney
Change Request: RT4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi Unit District to RM5 Residential Multi-Unit District
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In response to the CTA purple line modernization in the area, requests zoning relief so that they can develop their housing in the area.
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The item passes. Moving to NO. 20802T1 (47th WARD) #02021-3197 Address: 2042-2046 W. Irving Park Road Applicant: 2042 W Irving, LLC
Owner: Rosemary Eleanor M. Banks Trust,
Attorney: Sara K. Barnes
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Request: B1-1, Neighborhood Shopping District to B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
Purpose: seeking a Zoning Map Amendment in order to raze the existing non-conforming structures and to redevelop the site, in its entirety, with a new 4-story, 22-unit residential building.
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This request has been pending for four years. The item is passed.
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Now onto NO. A-8712 (40th WARD)DOCUMENT #02021-1997 - To classify a segment of the North Lincoln Ave right of way from the centerline North Western Ave on the south and the Centerline of West Bryn Mawr Ave on the North as a Pedestrian Retail Street
Applicant: Ald Andre Vasquez
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The meeting is moving quickly. No objections, the item is passed.
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NO. 20780 (48th WARD)DOCUMENT #02021-3092
1101-1109 W. Granville Ave./6172 N. Winthrop Ave.
Applicant, owner: 1101 Granville, LLC
Attorney: Thomas S. Moore
Change Request: B3-5, Community Shopping District to B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
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Applicant wishes to establish a qualifying transit-served location at the property to allow for conversion of a vacant, ground floor commercial space into 8 residential units in the existing 2-story, mixed use building for a new total of 18 dwelling units at the property.
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The applicant will seek relief, as necessary, for reduction in parking per applicable transit-served location regulations. The exterior of the existing building will remain with no changes.
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No objections, the item is passed.
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Now NO. 20801T1 (48th WARD) #02021-3193
5354-56 North Sheridan Road
Owner, applicant: Tempus Group Holding, LLC
Attorney: Nicholas J. Ftikas, Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks
Change Request: B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
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The purpose is to permit a new five-story, fifty (50) unit residential building at the subject property. The most significant change is that they worked with the Ald. to make a plan that complied with a previous setback violation.
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Ald. Maria Hadden is asking if there are any visuals, just out of curiosity. The department will send.
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The motion passes.
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Now on NO. 20792T1 (48th WARD) #02021-3137
5033-5035 N. Broadway Street
Applicant, owner: TimeLine Theater Company
Attorney: Bridget O’Keefe
Change Request: B1-2 Neighborhood Shopping District to C2-5, Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District
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The purpose is to comply with the bulk and density requirements to permit the construction and operation of a theatre. TimeLine is an award-winning theater that purchased this property when forced to find a new home.
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Site plan:
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They are in the process of also negotiating a long-term lease with a local parking lot that will provide 100 spots.
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This project is on Argyle, Ald. Osterman says the project will be a huge asset to the community and there is a lot of support.
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There are no objections. The item is passed.
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O. 20788T1 (47th WARD) #02021-3112
4901-4917 N. Paulina Street
Applicant, owner: 4901 N Paulina, LLC
Attorney: Warren E. Silver
Request: Institutional Planned Development No. 17 and RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM4.5, Residential Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: create a single zoning district to meet bulk and density requirements for construction of a multi-unit residential apartment building containing 32 dwelling units and 27 parking spaces at 4907-4917 N. Paulina Street. 15 unit building at 4901 N. Paulina to will remain.
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Reading also NO. 20787 (47th WARD) #02021-3111.
1601-1717 West Winnemac Avenue; 1614-1640 West Winnemac Avenue: 4900-5028 North Ashland Avenue: 1600-1614 West Ainslie Street: 5001-5029 North Paulina Street: 4916-5028 North Paulina Street: and 4901-4909 and 4917 North Paulina St
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Applicant: N. Paulina Street Properties, LLC
Owner: Thorek Memorial Hospital
Attorney: Warren E. Silver
Change Request: Institutional Planned Development No. 17 to Institutional Planned Development No. 17, as amended
(same attorney as other ordinance at hand)
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Purpose: amend the boundary to incorporate adjacent parcels with parking and open space serving the hospital, health care, senior living and other permitted uses within the boundary of IPD 17; and remove parcels not in connection from the boundary of IPD 17.
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They've met multiple times with the community and have support. The matter was heard by the plan commission and was approved unanimously.
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Motion to pass 20788T1 is approved unanimously, moving to motion for 20787. Approved unanimously.
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There are two more applications to be heard and then the discussion about cannabis will start back up.
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On NO. 20800 (34th WARD) #02021-3175
Common Address: 10857 S. Halsted Street
Applicant: Timezsquare, Inc.
Owner: Timezsquare, Inc.
Attorney: Sara K. Barnes
Change Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to B3-1, Community Shopping District
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The purpose is to permit the licensing and re-establishment of a new quick service convenience (food and beverage-retail) store, with delicatessen, within the existing one-story building, at the subject property.
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Barnes says she has had a hard time getting in contact with Ald Austin during the summer break and wanted to make sure that she was okay moving forward today, Tunney said that Austin is on the call, she says it's okay to move forward.
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Was previously a convenience store that closed, and they're excited to bring a new one back into the community. They've also entered into an operating agreement with the community to not offer tobacco or alcohol products, and have limited the hours of operation.
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When the last store closed it was due to issues in the community, so the property was re-zoned to prevent another business from moving in and restarting the problem. However, now, they believe they're ready to bring the convenience store back and need to re-zone again.
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Ald. Austin believes that the store is a good idea, however, is hesitant because she said they were promised the site would be cleaned up but that has yet to happen. Regardless, she's supportive because she believes in Barnes. The motion passes.
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Now on NO. 20803T1 (26th WARD) #02021-3198
1650 N. Spaulding Avenue
Owner, Applicant: Chicago Title Land Trust No. 8002369019. Attorney: Sara K. Barnes
Change Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM5.5 Residential Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: permit the rehabilitation, expansion, and conversion of the existing three-story front building - from four units to six units, for a total of 8 dwelling units, at the subject site. Amendment will also bring the existing non-conforming conditions into compliance.
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There have been a lot of de-conversions in Chicago, so the applicant has worked closely with the Alderman to ensure the rehabilitation of this building into affordable, family housing.
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Item passes. Now, taking a break from the map amendments and returning to cannabis.
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As a reminder, we're discussing O2021-3249 - Amendment of Municipal Code Chapters 17-3, 17-7, 17-9 and 17-14 regarding cannabis-related establishments.
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The committee is asking that Edie Moore join the call again, though public comment has ended.
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"You were concerned about my statement that disallowing B3 properties would hurt social equity applicants. Anything that doesn't open up as much opportunity to the new social equity license holders, hurts them. Anything that adds more time and money hurts them," Moore said.
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"I think that allowing B3 properties opens up the city and the ward a lot more by allowing more spaces to go. We just don't have any more time. We've been delayed and delayed and delayed, and it's hurtful," Edie Moore said.
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"In cannabis equity—many times when we are trying to catch up to the big guys—we catch our own selves in that same net while trying to catch them. The problem is, they can afford it. They can afford the delays," Moore added.
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Tunney says his intention is to move to a vote on the ordinance forward today, referencing his introduction to the ordinance and hoping to close the "second chapter" of cannabis legislation.
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"Respectfully, this book has had so many misprints in it it's amazing it was even published," Ald. Raymond Lopez said in response to Tunney's literary reference. "I would ask to hold this, even if we hold it to next week until this language comes forward."
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David Moore, during the break, said he made calls to social equity players and that they're in agreement with Edie Moore, that disallowing B3 would hurt them.
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Ald Moore is asking about the transparency in reporting ownership breakdowns.
When someone submits an EDS, they have to explain their ownership structure. Anyone with 5% or more ownership in the entity has to be disclosed.
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Edie Moore speaking again, "What you're talking about is a CAP table, that's something we have to put in our applications. It doesn't say what race you are but it does say how much equity/ownership you have in the venture...
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...When we come to CBA, if it does ask race, anyone with more than 5% will have to disclose that."
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Edie Moore also points out there are a lot of genuine social equity applicants who have partnerships with the large operators as their only means of being successful in filling out the complicated application and accessing capital.
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Ald. King says she would caution people talking about who this is going to hurt in the immediacy when thinking about how this will impact long-term equity partners.
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Ald Raymond Lopez makes a motion to hold this item.
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This is the second time today a vote is held on holding this item. Ald Lopez requests that the motion be changed to requesting a hold until Monday, but Tunney says that 48-hours must be given. So, voting yes would be to hold until further notice (undefined).
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Ald Dowell asks if Tunney is committed to entertaining the language that Ald Sawyer brought up earlier in front of the committee. He says he's committed.
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10 no, 7 yes. Motion to defer fails.
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Motion to pass ordinance passes and will be referred to the city council.
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For the record, no votes on passing the ordinance were from Beale, Ray Lopez, David Moore, and Sicho Lopez.
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That's it for cannabis, moving back to map ordinances with NO. 20778 (25th WARD)#02021-3088, 1916 S. Leavitt Street, Owner: SZP-1916 S Leavitt, LLC
Attorney: Sara K. Barnes
Change Request: B3-2, Community Shopping District to B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
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Purpose: permit the rehab and conversion of the existing 3-story front building - from 3-units to 4-units, for a total of 6 dwelling units at the subject site. The proposed Zoning Amendment will also bring the existing non-conforming conditions into compliance.
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"Chairman Tunney, what you said about you making sure that ordinances get a fair shake, I'd have to respectfully disagree there." Ald Villegas said going back to the cannabis subject, he says he's brought up ordinances that he doesn't feel are fairly considered.
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After that quick exchange, we're returning to No. 20778 and the item passes.
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Now onto NO. 20795T1 (1st WARD) #02021-3169
Common Address: 2739 W. Hadden Avenue
Applicant: Nir Berkovich
Attorney: Sara K. Barnes
Change Request: RT4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhome and Multi-Unit District to RM4.5, Residential Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: To permit the existing dwelling unit within the basement of the three-story residential building - for a total of four (4) permitted dwelling units at the subject site and within said building.
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Item passes with no objections.
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NO. 20776 (45th WARD) #02021-3076
Common Address: 5120 N. Elston Avenue
Owner, Applicant: 5120 N. Elston Avenue, LLC
Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.
Change Request: B3-1, Community Shopping District to B2-2, Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
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Purpose: To comply with the minimum lot area per unit and the maximum floor area ratio requirements of the ordinance, in order to build a new 2-story residential building with 2 dwelling units. Not a great area for a business, better for residential.
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No questions or objections, item is passed (after amended to a type 1).
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NO. 20781 (12th WARD) #02021-3094
Common Address: 3215 W. 38th Place
Owner, Applicant: Sergio Jaime
Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.
Change Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to B3-1, Community Shopping District
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Purpose: To allow non-required accessory parking, accessory to the existing auto-glass business (owned and operated by the applicant) located at 3846-58 S. Kedzie.
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The item passes without opposition.
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NO. 20782 (12th WARD) #02021-3096
2455-57 South Christiana
Owner, Applicant: A2M Enterprises, Inc.
Attorney: Mark J. Kupiec
Request: RT4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District and B3-1, Community Shopping District to B3-1, Community Shopping District
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Purpose: To correct the split zoning lot into one zoning district and to establish a general restaurant within the existing commercial building located at the subject property. Plan is to open a cafe, second Cafe Catedral.
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Item is passed with no objections.
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NO. 20785 (45th WARD) #02021-3108
4712-4738 W. Irving Park Road
Applicant: Six Corners Real Estate Devt., LLC
Attorney: Tyler Manic, Schain Banks
Change Request: Planned Development No. 617 to Planned Development No. 617, as amended
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Purpose: In Sub Area B1, to construct a 6-story, mixed-use development. The ground floor will contain 49,964 SF of retail space. The 2nd-6th floor will total 209 dwelling units & 270 interior parking spaces. Property is in a TSL.
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This ordinance is concerning the old Sears building.
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The council received approximately 67 letters in opposition.
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Ald. Gardiner is now speaking on behalf of this development, citing its potential to bring $650,000 annually through taxes.
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Hadden brings up that this plan follows the old ARO, and the new ARO is more focused on affordable housing and segregation, doesn't see a change in this proposal to align with the new ARO.
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Hadden asks Gardiner to explain why they aren't looking for more affordable housing units when they're trying to spread them out around the city.
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"Those concerns have been weighed," "This is the proposal that has been presented to our committee and based upon the feedback from developers that have said these are the numbers that they can do," Gardiner says. "We feel that the best move for us is to move forward with this"
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Hadden: $2 million buy-out is a lot to not have more affordable housing in there.
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“I also have to speak up for those people who could never afford 60% of the AMI,” Ald Cappleman says of his support
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Hadden asks Gardiner if he's open to holding this ordinance. He says that he thinks the stakes are high with this project and asking for more affordable housing.
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Hadden brings up the recently passed state legislation introducing incentives to affordable housing providers and asks if it was factored in. Gardiner says yes, and the public meeting still came back in favor because of the lack of a building in this space since 2018.
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The chair determines the motion moves to pass w objections noted and it’s moving to the city council as revised.
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Now on NO. 20789T1 (28th WARD) #02021-3114
1218 W. Lexington Street
Applicant: Honore Properties, LLC
Owner: The Catholic Bishop of Chicago Attorney: Tyler Manic, Schain Banks
Request: RT4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhome & Multi-Unit District to B2-3, Neighborhood Mixed-Use Dist.
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Purpose: To adaptively redevelop an existing 3-story convent into a residential building containing 14 dwelling units. Transit served community due to proximity to Racine stop. No onsight parking will be provided.
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Motion passes with no objections.
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NO. 20794T1 (25th WARD)#02021-3162
Common Address: 2243 W. 23rd Place
Owner, Applicant: Agar Holdings, LLC
Attorney: Tyler Manic
Change Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM5 Residential Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: To comply with the bulk and density for conversion from a 6 DU to 7 DU residential building w/ 3rd floor added to the existing 2.5 story bldg, allowing the owner to maintain affordable rent, rehab the building in poor condition, add ramp to make 1 of the units accessible
Izzy Stroobandt @izzystroobandt 180/251
Ald Austin asked why there can't be more affordable units in the building and then called Tyler Manic out for "rolling his eyes and shaking his head" at her question. He says he didn't, that he was shaking his head that they couldn't do more affordable units.
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Hadden explains how this is different from the previous, in this case, 1 new unit is being added, and it is affordable (100% new additions being affordable).
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Ald Austin says that if you can get one, there should've been a push for more.
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The motion passes. Moving on!
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NO. 20790T1 (3rd WARD) #02021-3115
3920-3932 S. Calumet Avenue
Owner, Applicant: Eagle OZB I, LLC
Attorney: Tyler Manic, Schain Banks
Change Request: M1-3, Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RM5, Residential Multi-Unit District
Izzy Stroobandt @izzystroobandt 185/251
Purpose: To comply with the use table and standards of the RM5 and meet the bulk and density requirements to subdivide one zoning lot into 7 individual zoning lots to construct seven 3-story, 3 dwelling-unit buildings with 3-car parking garages.
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The item passes.
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Now on NO. 20777 (37th WARD) #02021-3087
630 N. Long Avenue
Owner, Applicant: 630 Long, LLC
Attorney: Christopher Koczwara
Change Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhome and Multi-Unit District
Izzy Stroobandt @izzystroobandt 188/251
Purpose: comply with the required Use Table and Standards and the bulk and density requirements of the RT4 in order to allow the subdivision of one zoning lot measuring 50' x 158 feet into two zoning lots measuring 25' x 158 feet to allow for 3 story, 3 dwelling building on each
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The item passes.
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Now on NO. 20793T1 (33rd WARD) #02021-3152
Common Address: 3661-3663 N. Elston Avenue
Applicant: Branislav Podrumedzic
Owner: Branislav Podrumedzic
Attorney: Robert M. Walker
Change Request: C1-1, Neighborhood Commercial District to C1-3, Neighborhood Commercial District
Izzy Stroobandt @izzystroobandt 191/251
Purpose: To comply with the bulk and density requirements to allow the conversion from 4 units to 6 units (3 units on the 2nd Floor and 3 units on the 3rd Floor) with retail restaurant on the first floor to remain with no changes.
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Tunney asks about the parking situation. The restaurant is Little Bucharest, and there is no parking on site.
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Item passes without objections.
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NO. 20779T1 (11th WARD) #02021-3090
Common Address: 3511 S. Halsted Street
Owner, applicant: Ronald Li
Attorney: Gordon and Pikarski Chartered
Request: RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to B1-3, Neighborhood Shopping District
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Purpose: The applicant seeks to re-establish the ground floor commercial space for retail clothing sales. At some point in the history of this property, it was downzoned to RS3, resulting in a non-conforming commercial space and are now seeking to restore the historical use.
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The ordinance passes without objections.
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NO. 20796T1 (11th WARD) DOCUMENT #02021-3172
2626 S. Throop Street
Owner, Applicant: Eric M. Rogulich, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated June 25, 2009 and known as Trust #640
Attorney: Richard A. Toth
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Change Request: M1-2, Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RT4, Residential Two-Flat, Townhome
and Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: The existing residential building is in a manufacturing district. The Applicant proposes to renovate the existing 3 dwelling-unit residential building, to add a new dormer, facilitate permits for previously-enclosed rear floor space, and make other internal renovations.
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This building is over 100 years old. The owner is planning to renovate and has submitted a site plan to the department of planning and development.
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The item passes. Moving on!
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NO. 20798T1 (11th WARD) #02021-3117
Common Address: 315-325 W. 32nd Street
Owner, Applicant: Bertco Development, LLC
Attorney: Stephen R. Patterson
Change Request: M1-2, Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RM4.5, Residential Multi-Unit District
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Purpose: To comply with the use standards, bulk and density standards to allow for the construction of a 3 story, 6 dwelling-unit townhouse building.
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The property is currently unimproved.
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There is a letter of support from Ald. Thompson. The item passes without objection.
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Now on NO. 20799T1 (11th WARD) #02021-3118
3209-31 S. Shields Avenue
Applicant: Bertco Development, LLC
Attorney: Stephen R. Patterson
Change Request: M1-2, Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RS3, Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District
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Purpose: To comply with the use standards, bulk and density standards to allow for the construction of 10 detached single-family residential buildings. This is the second half of the prior agenda item.
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As a result of community conversation, the development plan was reduced to 10-unit building and now they're seeking zoning for the two separately.
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The item passes without objection.
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We've moved forward and I'm struggling to find the current ordinance being discussed on the agenda, but it's a project in the 2nd ward and Ald. Hopkins expresses support for the new ordinance. Without objection, the item passes. Things are moving forward quickly.
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Moving onto ordinance 20572. The space is currently a parking lot and the project consists of two towers, with retail base floors and residential/hotel above.
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They feel the project fits in well architecturally.
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Item passes without objection.
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Now onto 20742 at 1201-35 W Washington, 22-42 N Racine Ave.
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They went through the community process and made changes. Reduced from 22-stories to a 19-story building.
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288 units on-site. No questions or comments, the item passes without objection.
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Moving on to the next ordinance, but again, things are moving quickly and there are ordinances not included on the agenda version available to the public. Visuals make it easier to identify some of them but not all...
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Still unsure exactly what ordinance number we're discussing, however, it is involving 1400 Land Holdings LLC. No questions from members, ordinance passes.
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Moving to 20700. A unique project in Chicago, it's proposed as 50-single family homes.
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Other residential units in this area are single family.
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The item passes.
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Attendance on the call has dwindled in the ~6.5 hours since we’ve started. Was at 100 before, now down to 35.
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Now on 20703… developer here is Jamal Properties. 601 W Monroe, seeking to construct 2 towers each with 40-some stories and a dog park.
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Tunney says they didn’t receive the slides from the applicant group, however, Richard Klawiter (lawyer) expresses that the project has reached a written agreement that the church and school nearby will receive support if issues do occur in the future.
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Hadden asks if there is commercial space— it is ground floor. There are also just 26 affordable housing units, so she’s asking if they’re doing the bare minimum (10%)
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It might go without saying, but there’s definitely some tension on this zoom. Some quips are flying and people are definitely feeling the impact of how long today has been.
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Motion to pass is approved without objections.
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Moving onto the next ordinance, property at the southeast corner of Oak and Larabee. This is a transit-oriented development change, due to proximity to the Chicago stop.
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This lot has been vacant since Ald Burnett was a kid, he says. He remembers running across this field to the store across the street. He's excited for this development to bring mixed-income housing to the neighborhood.
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The item passes, moving on to 20730.
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On Goose Island, looking to establish residential units.
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The project has been going through review since 2018.
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Ald. Burnett: Will bring a lot of jobs, a grocery store.
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Ald. Hadden enthusiastically supports the program, applauds the focus on affordability.
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Item passes.
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Moving onto the next ordinance: property at 1120-1130 N State Street (ordinance # unclear).
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Planning a residential building that will contribute $4.2 million into the community development fund.
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The site is formally Barnes and Noble and the nearby Lou Malnati's.
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Tunney asking if this is also approving part B, which is at the Lou property, and will be entirely commercial.
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Item passes, moving on to 20711. 739-755 N Wells St. Requesting a change from commercial to residential.
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Planning a 21-story building with parking. $2.4 million will also be paid into the neighborhood opportunity fund.
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Item passes without objection. Moving on!
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Now on #20709 - the applicant is 63rd Maryland LLC.
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Proposing a 5-story building with residential units and commercial on the first floor.
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Will have a community room, bike storage, and live-work units. Total 56-dwelling units. 40 parking spaces, 32 of which are dedicated to residential (8 retail).
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Sylvia Michas, attorney, is speaking on behalf of the applicant and referencing slides. The slides, however, aren't being shown at least as far as I can see...
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We've now hit 7 hours in this meeting... Tunney says that they did not receive the slides from the applicant group, but, they're saying they sent them on Friday.
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Item passes without objection. This is the final item on the agenda, according to Tunney, but Ald Hopkins is confirming we covered property at 1546-56 N Clark, application by Jack George #02021-3907. Tunney says staff says that item is being deferred.
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They're double-checking the records, must've missed that ordinance when doing the deferrals before. Now asking for a motion to defer, George is not on the call, Hopkins makes the motion and it's approved.
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Whew! That was... a marathon of tweeting.

Motion to adjourn passed at 6:08 and the meeting is officially over.
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oops, ZBA*

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

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Joint Committee: Economic, Capital and Technology Development; Public Safety

Chicago City Council

Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

10:00 a.m. CDT

Committee on Transportation and Public Way

Chicago City Council

Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

10:15 a.m. CDT