
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
4:00 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. EDT

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The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County is responsible for the planning, funding and monitoring of public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery services delivered to the residents of Cuyahoga County. Under Ohio law, the ADAMHS Board is one of 50 Boards coordinating the public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery system in Ohio.

The Board is a quasi-independent part of county government, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board contracts with provider agencies to deliver services that assist clients on the road to recovery.

For more details about this meeting, including the Zoom link, agenda, and other meeting materials:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Keith Seward

New complex will serve residents returning from prison; 3,500 Narcan kits distributed countywide

Live reporting by Gennifer Harding-Gosnell

New complex will serve residents returning from prison; 3,500 Narcan kits distributed countywide

Gennifer with a G @GenniferwithaG_
Good afternoon, #Cleveland! I’ll be covering the ADAMHS Board Meeting today starting at 4 p.m. for @cledocumenters #CLEdocumenters & @NeighborUpCle. @ADAMHSBoardCC manages Cuyahoga County’s public mental health & addiction policies & programs. #Cleveland #citygov #localgov

02:52 PM Jun 23, 2021 CDT

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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any enquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters or email us at
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Here’s the agenda from @ADAMHSBoardCC. It appears there are two opportunities for “audience input” noted on the agenda:…
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And here’s the meeting packet, which contains the minutes from the last @ADAMHSBoardCC meeting in May. This document gives a pretty good idea of what to expect from these meetings:…
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Agenda items for today include the reappointment of several @OhioMHAS officials, several committee reports, and approval of the Capital Plan Application to build the new St. Joseph’s Commons supportive housing facility.
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Here's the agenda in photo copy:
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Rev. Benjamin Gohlstin, Sr., Board Chair, has called the meeting to order, asked for public input (there was none), and the group is now completing roll call.
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Four officers are now taking their oath for re-appointment.
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The Faith-Based Outreach Committee is now reporting, read by Committee Chair, Gwendolyn Howard. Updates include discussions about service provisions, and eliminating structural racism from behavioural health care.
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The Planning & Oversight Committee is now presenting. Kathleen Kern-Pilch, Committee Chair, is explaining outcomes of a community re-entry program, and the funding for several substance abuse programs through Cleveland Courts.
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Kern-Pilch is speaking on the distribution of funding, and is now taking a vote for the approval of the resolution for building St. Joseph's Commons. The motion is accepted and the "I"s have it.
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For me, it is sad to see the building have to come down. Confession: 30 years ago this place was known as “Transitional Housing Inc.” (THI) & I'm an alumni. Homeless at 17, ended up here. THI helped me get into (and stay in!) CSU, & taught me how to manage my new adult life...
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Committee Chair Sharon Rosenbaum is presenting the Finance & Operations Committee Report. She says overall the agency is underbudget for operating expenses.
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Next up to is to approve and ratify contracts, and amendments to contracts, to distribute funds for various programs including residential treatment, early intervention, and mental health programs.
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Beneficiaries of funding include @NAMIGRTCL ($24,000), & the new Cuyahoga County Assessment & Diversion Center ($345,000) . A motion is made & all members voted to approve these measures.
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@ADAMHSBoardCC CEO Scott Osiecki says 21 individuals so far have been through the Diversion Center, brought in from 14 different local agencies.
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Osiecki is now reviewing steps made in light of racism being recognised as a public health crisis. Several committees and project groups are currently working on new initiatives.
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A task force has been created to help develop the current behavioral health workforce, looking at pay, working conditions, and what the agency needs to do to attract motivated, quality workers.
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Around 3500 Narcan kits were provided to @ADAMHSBoardCC to distribute around the county. Osiecki says they gave many kits to businesses who had people in medical distress from opioids found on their property, saying they can now administer Narcan themselves prior to 911 arrival.
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Here's some of the details on the #opioidcrisis settlement funds & where the money is going. The County received over $10 million dollars. Just under half the funds have been spent.
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Osiecki gives an update on the @tpspeersupport program, which provides peer recovery coaches in emergency rooms in the Cleveland area, and says the Cleveland Clinic is now close to implementing this program.

Agency Information

Cuyahoga County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board

The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County is responsible for the planning, funding and monitoring of public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery services delivered to the residents of Cuyahoga County. Under Ohio law, the ADAMHS Board is one of 50 Boards coordinating the public mental health and addiction treatment and recovery system in Ohio.

The Board is a quasi-independent part of county government, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board contracts with provider agencies to deliver services that assist clients on the road to recovery.

Mission: Enhance the quality of life for our community through a commitment to excellence in mental health and addiction prevention, treatment and recovery services coordinated through a person-centered network of community supports.

Vision: Mental health, addiction, prevention, treatment and recovery services will be available and accessible for every county resident in need and the ADAMHS Board will provide a preeminent, seamless and integrated system of care.


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