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Live reporting by Citlali Perez
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The Chicago Plan Commission approved a West Loop development spearheaded by JDL Development & Latsko Interest Projects.

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The meeting live stream can be found here. there are 19 people joining on the live stream

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And here’s more information on the Plan Commission

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At 10:05 the meeting begins with public comment guidelines.

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Roll call is taken at 10:07

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motion passed on the minutes at 10:09

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Motion is passed for items 1-10, matters to be heard in accordance with the inter-agency planning referral act.

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Next two items under matters submitted in accordance with the Lake Michigan and Chicago lakefront protection ordinance and/ or the Chicago zoning ordinance

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Starting with a presentation for a proposal for 375 N. Morgan Street and 901 W. Kinzie Street. One fof the partners on the development reviews all that the de elopment entails

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Katie Jahnke Dale, with the development team, proceeds with the presentation talking about the affordable housing aspect of the development

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Fred Latsko proceeds to talk about the economic and public benefits of the development.

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The presentation ends with recommendations for DPD

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Public commenter: Mr. Adams (missed first name), says that he is in favor of the proposal. He says he is concerned about the green space, referring to the park that is included in the proposal.

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Comissioner Villegas asks about the retainment wall that is placed to define the area where the developers are allowed to build on

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One of the development partners explains, using the diagrams on the slides, and mentions the planters that will be used to define that peremeter

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Comissioners Villegas asks if it’s not possible to access it through the north side

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The development partner says, correct

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Commissioner Reyes says that she is pleased with the benefits of the development for families who will move in. She is also pleased with the hiring aspect of the development.

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Commissioner Novara says that this is great for the 92 households that get to live in this community, “This is how we become a less segregated city, is through actions like this.”

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Commissioner La Spata asks about the park aspect of the development

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Katie responds that the park is privately owned but publicly accessible and owned opened during park district hours. designed space in a way that can be programmed

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Commissioner La Spata asks if there is an intention to how cyclists move through the neighborhood

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Katie responds that there is vehicular activity on Kenzie, keeping cars off Morgan. Fulton Market is becoming busier, orienting everything away from busy streets

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La Spata says it will be interesting to see how this will function.

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Commissioner Brumfiled asks if the amenity spaces are accessible to the public

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Sophie, with the development team, responds no, they are only for residents but they are exposed so they can be viewed by pedestrians

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Chairman Flores asks how the development will manage storms given recent flooding incidents.

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One of the developers says that reducing the amount of pavement is a reduction of stormwater system. They add that the green roof area will also help to absorb stormwater.

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Commissioner Cox says they appreciate the attention to pedestrians, as well as the integration of green space. He says it will be a great addition to the district.

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Commissioner Escareno says this development is an example of how the vertical community could work by including walkability, transportation, green space, etc.. She says it’s important to think about the businesses that go into these types of buildings to add to the walkability.

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Commissioners Dowell asks if dogs are allowed on the park

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Fred Latsko answers that the park is open for leashed dogs and that there is a designated space for people who live there to take their dogs out.

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Ald Burnett says that he appreciates the number of jobs that the development brings.

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In regards to traffic concerns of both pedestrians and cars, he says they are in talks with the Department of Transportation to change the directions of streets to make them one-way. He says there may be room for bike lanes as well.

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After talking back and forth with Fred Latsko about the financial investment of the project and other aspects he concludes by saying he supports this and asks the body to support it.

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At 11:14, with no further comments from the commissioners motion to approve the development passes

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For the next item, Chairman’s Report/ informational presentation, DPD staff member Nancy Radzevich gave a presentation to update the commission on the status of minority and women buisness enterprise (WMBE) project compliance with excutive order 2017-2

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Established in 2017 the executive order set goals to increase women, minority and local hires in development projects

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The first question from one of the commissioner was regarding including veteran owned buisness in the data and if it is possible to do that

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Nancy responds saying that is something they need to explore. They would need to look into how it relats to the executive order and how it may need to be updated/ expanded to not just include women in construction but other busniess that involve the whole development process.

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Commissioner Dowell says the presentation could be more helpful if it included detailed information. She says she’d like to see the data broken up to include more information about each company involved.

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Nancy responds that when business report they are not required to identify specifics such as if they are Black or Latino-owned. She says that it has been challenging to get developers to fill out the report since the importance of compliance needs to be enforced.

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Comissioner Cox says that the executive order needs to be updated and they also need to better understnad what are practices to get compliance possibiliy through cunducting a study.

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Nancy suggests doing focus groups to identify where the disconnect begins.

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Commissioner La Spata echoes Dowell’s comment about needing to break down the data and asks if they are tracking demographic data.

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Nancy responds no, and that this stems from when the order was first introduced in 2017

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Sigcho Lopez adds that the lack of updating since the executive order was introduced is a missed opportunity. He asks how they can work with the corporation counsel to instruct their goals.

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Nancy responds that they have reached out to attorneys and that there may be immediate actions they can take based on the current executive order.

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Commissioner Cox says that they need information on the process to update the executive order as well as what led to the current order. And emphasizes being in conversation with attorneys on how it can be amended.

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With no further comments or questions from the body Flores announces that this is Commissioner Novara’s last meeting and opens it up for comments.

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Multiple commissioners speak about Novara’s work around housing and equaty.

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Commissioner Sigcho Lopez uplifts Novara’s part in making a housing development at 18th and Peoria happen

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Meeting adjourned at 12:14 p.m. This concludes the Plan Commission Hearing. For more meeting coverage, check out