Live reporting by
Franklin Bennett
Regular meeting of the Citizens' Police Complaint Board.

The office report revealed that board member Kelly Doucet who was up for re-election to the board has chosen to resign to pursue other opportunities.They will nominate someone to replace her in the near future.

The first case on the docket is Micheal Caputo.He alleges he was unlawfully arrested due to a domestic disturbance between he and his girlfriend.He was present at the meeting but declined to speak on his behalf.The Board voted that the officer was right to arrest him due to 1/2

The second case on the docket is the case of LaTasha Griffin.She is not present.She alleged that she was assaulted by a co-worker and was defending herself when two police officers came on the scene and the male officer threw her down and pushed her down and used undue force.

The board deliberates on LaTasha Griffin’s case.The male officer claimed that Griffin’s was the aggressor and was trying to de-escalate the situation and trying to restrain her and that she was resisting arrest.

The board voted to reject the finding that the officer did not use undue force.The second allegation that the female officer that she used unnecessary language and force the board chose to exonerate the officer.

The next case up is James Watson.He alleges that he was unlawfully arrested for disorderly conduct for cursing at another citizen after being involved in a minor traffic accident.The officer arrested him for giving a lady the finger.

“I was unlawfully arrested for expressing my first amendment rights” said James Watson during his testimony.

The board chose to sustain that officer Binford unlawfully arrested Watson and used rude language with him.

Next up on the docket is the case of Caleb Newcomb.Newcomb alleges that officer Maxey used unnecessary force and undue language and that the officer after asking for his Id during a traffic stop.He alleges that the officer threw him down repeatedly and on his truck and was 1/2

2/2 trying to find something on him and he was eventually let go.

“I feel the officers violated me” said Caleb Newcomb during his testimony about how he was treated by officers during the traffic stop.

The board chose to exonerate the officers of any wrongdoing after hearing Newcomb’s testimony.

Next up tonight is the case of Zadie Catlidge who alleges that the officer used unnecessary language with her.She was not present and the board chose to exonerate the officer of any wrongdoing.

Next up on the docket is the case of Keisha Kenton, who alleges that the officer told him to move his food truck from a lot in Broad Ripple.Kenton said he told the officer he had a permit to operate the food truck.The officer told them to move they are aren’t allowed to sell 1/2

In the area.They say they feel they have been continuously harassed by police officers.

The Kentons expressed they have been unfairly targeted by police officers while other food trucks have been allowed to operate without harassment during their testimony.

The board deliberates whether the officer who said it was his order to clear the Broad Ripple area by 3:30 AM because of an increase in violence in the area after clubs and bars close.

The board chose to exonerate the officer of any wrongdoing and agreed with Internal Affairs that the officer acted within protocol.

The Kenton’s are up again on the docket with a second complaint that an officer walked up on their truck and unlawfully turned their food truck generator off without giving a valid reason.They also allege they were given a citation unlawfully but the officer failed to 1/2

Turn their body cam on during the altercation.The officer alleged that the citation was for operating the food truck after a time allowed in the Broad Ripple area.

The first allegation that the officer didn’t turn on his body-worn camera the board chose to exonerate the officer.The second allegation that the officer unlawfully turned their generator off the board chose to exonerate the officer.The board also chose to exonerate the 1/2

Next up on the docket is the case of Jalen Miller who alleges after a minor traffic accident he called 911 and the police officer dispatched to the scene failed to turn his body cam on and provide Miller with a accident and police report. The board agreed with Miller and 1/2

The final matter was a follow up to a prior case of Christine Anderson who alleged that the officer contacted her resource provider in a sex trafficking program in an effort to get her services rescinded.The Police Chief met with President Riggins and expressed the concerns 1/2

Of the conduct of the officer in this matter, Chief Bailey chose to side with the Internal Affairs findings that there wasn’t any wrongdoing on the officers part.

The next meeting will take place on March 10th and the location will be announced at a later date. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.

If you or anyone you know feel you were the victim of police misconduct or wrongdoing please contact The Citizens Police Complaint Board at 317-327-3440 or by email at

Think we got something wrong or made an error or feel you have a story related to police misconduct or wrongdoing please contact us @mirrorindy or @indydocumenters