Live reporting by
Franklin Bennett
State Representative Blake Johnson and State Senator Andrea Hunley joint town halls for Indy residents to share thoughts before the 2025 legislative session.
Hi,everyone I will be live-tweeting the Fountain Square Town Hall meeting. @mirrorindy @indydocumenters
05:07 PM Sep 17, 2024 CDT

Senator Andrea Hunley addresses the replacing of faulty water pipes and proclaims there is a plan in place to replace them for homeowners within a year.

The current and future Indiana Diploma structure as unveiled by State Senator Hunley and State Representative Johnson.

Senator Hunley addresses a question about rising property taxes.There is a property tax relief program according to her for qualified home owners.

A citizen emphasized he has testified four times for an anti-gentrification bill that hasn’t been able to be passed that would put a cap on property taxes.

A citizen inquires about a lack of animal control services and says there are a lot of stray animals that have attacked folks and animal control doesn’t answer their phone nor reply to citizen complaints.

“Because taxes are lower than other midwestern cities some services are underfunded.” Said State Representative Blake Johnson in regard to budgets for services like animal control.

Senator Andrea Hunley and State Representative Johnson field a question about amending popular voting laws.

“What are we doing to address absentee voting?” Said a concerned citizen

State Representative Johnson acknowledged that the qualifications for absentee voting need to be lowered.

The final questions from citizens were about dedicated biking lanes for cyclists.

State Representative Johnson and Senator Hunley thanked everyone for coming and left information to contact them.

The meeting adjourned at seven pm with Senator Hunley and State Representative Johnson thanking everyone for coming and leaving their contact info.

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