Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today’s Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters . Starting at 10am, this committee oversees the architecture and land in the city, and designates how they should be categorized and/or maintained!
10:04 AM Apr 18, 2023 CDT
Starting up! Three public comments, Peter McNally, owner of 3731 N Sheffield property on the agenda, he disagrees with the upzoning proposed during this meeting. He says this would effectively rid the building of 7 affordable housing units
Second Speaker, Steph Funk, advocating for the Advance of food sovereignty, she supports community gardens, parallel licensing for commercial growers
Last speaker Pam rejects the project at N Sheffield in the 44th Ward that Peter McNally also does not support. She says this will not be cohesive with the neighborhood and will dwarf surrounding buildings.
Jack Spicer from the Promontory Point preservancy. He supports land marking Prometory Point and is thanking all the work that has been done on this agenda item
Urban Agricultural Ordinance can be read about here https://use.metropolis.org/case-studies/urban-agriculture-ordinance-city-of-chicago#:~:text=The%20Urban%20Agriculture%20Ordinance%20is,indoor%2C%20outdoor%20and%20rooftop%20production. Ruby Ferguson, Food Equity Policy Lead for the city, talks about the goal of selling more whole uncut unprocessed produce, and about limits to scale of produce stands.
The Urban Agriculture item is passed, and moves to city council tomorrow!
3321 S Prairie Avenue, and a lot on 3300 S Giles are both owned by the same management company. They are both for profit properties. Moore is asking whether the council has ever done a fee-waiver for a for profit business, which committee lead confirms. This is passed.
Department on Planning and Development here to advocate for the Greater Union Baptist Church at 1956 W. Warren to be designated as a historic landmark. Alders seem in general support. This item is passed.
Landmark designation of Promontory Point is up for discussion! There has been a lot of support from many parties on this item. The point was completed in 1939 and is all artificial fill! https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/01/13/promontory-point-takes-a-step-toward-landmark-status-with-key-commissions-approval/ This is passed! A congratulations given.
Proposal concerning the 13th ward 6447-6457 W 65th St, looking to re-zone, alderman quinn RT4 to RS 2. This item is passed as substituted.
4th ward 3654 S MLK drive to be rezoned to a shopping district. Attorney Liz Butler representing the property owner. This will be a coworking space for the Obsidian Collection @ObsidianCollec1 , an all Black media hub aiming to digitize Black history in Chicago
448 E Ontario and 441 E Erie St to a different residential zoning to enable hotel use. This is directly in the Streeterville area. This rezoning is in the hope it will be more effectively utilized.
1530 W Devon to a neighborhood mixed use district. This is right on the corner of Clark - the owner will maintain the affordable units and establish 3 new SRO units. The commercial space is being used by Reconnaissance social services and will continue to do so
3611 W Belmont Ave to neighborhood mixed use district is passed - this is a fairly minor change, mostly concerning the basement unit
A kerfluffle happening over a 6 unit dwelling structure that is unclear whether it should be filed as either a B22 or B32. Alders have concerns about the lack of parking for this structure. The owner prefers a B22. This is going to be held until this is clarified
I’m putting this on hold for now at the 2 hour mark! I will finish this off tomorrow morning. Thanks all, and see you back ont his thread soon!