Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance, Boys and Girls Club site at police academy, City lots for working families

Elise Edwards started off the public comments period, thanking Alderwoman Mitts for advocating for the new Boys and Girls Club location in the 37th ward (West Humboldt Park/West Garfield), and affirming her support for its introduction into the community.

The next public commenters ecchoed the same sentiments for the new club, reflecting on how gang violence has affected investment in after-school activities. The new club will now be a convenient safe zone, with positive opportunities and outlets for students in the area.

Item 1 (O2021-2880) on the agenda concerns the City’s reacquisition of a portion of Durkin Park for water supply improvements. See overview below. This item passed with no objections, reported out to the next city council meeting.

Item 2 (O2021-2888) is a lease agreement with All Things Through Christ Outreach Ministries of City at 6537 S Wood Street for use as a community garden. See overview below. Item passed with no objections, reported out to next city council meeting.

Item 3 (O2021-2899) is a long-term ground lease agreement with an associated easement for Boys & Girls Club of Chicago for a portion of the Joint Public Safety Training Academy campus at W. Chicago Ave and N. Kostner Ave. See details 1/

2/ See conceptual renderings of the BGCC campus. This project is slated to be completed by the 3rd quarter of 2022. Item passes, reported out to the next city council meeting.

Item 4 (SO2021-2791) deals with modifying rent regulation provisions of the Keep Chicago Renting Ordinance (KCRO). 1/

3/ Motion to approve this item passed with no objections, to be reported out to the next city council meeting.

Item 5 (O2021-2882) is multi-family loan financing to Casa Durango LP and Casa Durango GP LLC for the acquisition of land for affordable housing construction at 1850-1858 S. Racine Ave. and 2008-2012 Ashland Ave. Item approved with due pass, to be reported out to city council.

Item 6 (O2021-2889) Loan restructuring agreement to refinance Home Funds program loan with Roosevelt Tower-1 LLC and East Lake/Roosevelt | LLC for senior housing at 3440 W Roosevelt Rd. Due passed, will be reported out to next city council meeting.

Skip to Item 13 (O2021-2823) - acquisition of former Pioneer Bank site at 4000-4006 W North Ave, 4008 W North Ave, and various vacant parcels in the 1600 block of N Pulaski Rd and provision of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) assistance for mixed use development

Back to Items 7, 8, 9, and 10, to be presented together as one.
Item 7, Loan restucturing agreement to refinance Home Funds program with West Ridge Senior Partners L.P. and West Ridge Seniors Corporation for senior housing at 6142 N California Ave. Due passes.

Items 8, 9, and 10 - various loan restructuring agreements to refinance Home Funds program loans. Due pass motion approved on all items, to be reported out to council. 1/

Item 11 (O2021-2814) acquisition of various parcels within Avalon/South Shore Redevelopment Project Area at the intersection of East 79th Street and South Exchange Ave. Due pass recommendation passes, no objections.

Item 12 (O2021-2819) acquisition of vacant property at 3625 W Chicago Ave within Chicago/Central Park Redevelopment Project Area. Due pass recommendation approved, reported out to next council meeting.

Item 14 (O2021-2866) - negotiated sale of City-owned property at 1201-1205 W 63rd St to Inner-City Muslim Action Network with associated escrow remediation agreement. Item due passes with no objections, reported out to next city council.

Item 15 (O2021-2867) - Sale of vacant City-owned property at 5136-5152 S Carpenter St and 5156-5158 S Carpenter St to NeighborSpace for expansion of Stockyards Community Garden. 1/

2/ Item due passes with no objections, to be reported out to next city council meeting.

Item 16 (O2021-2897) - redevelopment of City-owned property known as former Michael Reese Hospital campus to GRIT Chicago LLC for the Bronzeville Lakefront mixed-use project. This item needs to go through the zoning, housing, and finance committees. .. 1/

2/ and so given these variables, Chairman Osterman decided that it would not be appropriate to move the item through today, and so recessed the housing committee until 4pm on Tuesday July 20th to have this item heard then. Motion to recess passed.

Committee on Housing and Real Estate recessed around 1:45pm CST. All items reported out to city council will be considered during the Wednesday July 21st, 2021 council meeting. Thanks for following! @CHIdocumenters #Chicago #Housing #RealEstate #ChicagoCommittees #CityCouncil