Return to [remote or in person] Committee on Health and Human Relations
Live reporting by Jennifer Lenz
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Jen Lenz @JenLenz
Hey Chicago! I’ll be live-tweeting [or “x”ing] today's City Council Committee on Health and Human Relations meeting for #CHIdocumenters @CHIdocumenters @city_bureau

10:59 AM Jul 12, 2024 CDT

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The Health and Human Relations Committee meeting begins at 11:00a.m.
at City Hall & online
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Today’s agenda:
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The committee is running a little bit behind this morning. I’ve had enough time to make myself a homemade Iced London Fog Tea Latte (as a barista, this is my go-to drink!). It’s now 17 mins past & my screen is this…
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At 11:26a.m. it’s finally getting started! The committee is lead by Chairman Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (Ward 33) @RossanaFor33 She also leads as chair of the Latin Caucus & works on 8 council committees in addition.
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@RossanaFor33 The speakers are getting kinda spicy🌶️ during the public commenters session.
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The 1st ordinance to be discussed was an “Amendment of Municipal Code Section 7-28-710 by prohibiting dumping of foodstuffs that afford food or harborage to wild animals”
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The rodent issue is out of hand right now. As a resident of this city, I have noticed a lot of rats around. This ordinance states because the increase of rodents, you cannot leave piles of food laying on ur front porch, or ur property, to feed any animals.
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The ordinance gives superintendents/inspectors the ability to warn residents multiple times prior to taking enforcement, which is a $ fine. The committee passed the ordinance successfully.
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The 2nd topic discussed was the “Amendment of Municipal Code Section 8-4-147 prohibiting unattended substances or weapons on public way or on private property”
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Disgustingly, there is a known white supremacist hate group based out of Florida w/ local operations & all over the country. They have committed dozens of hate crimes against the Chicago Jewish community, Muslim American community, black communities, LGBTQ+ communities & more
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Legislative measures are being taken to punish those committing hate crimes & there is probably more to come. Over the past couple months many versions of the amendment have been revised based on recommendations from the Dept of Law.
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Specifically discussed:
a civil penalty fine $1,000 ticket for intimidating hate flyering incidents
to tighten the law to deter hate groups from hate flyering in Chicago