Police Board [remote]
Chicago Police Board
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022
7:30 p.m. — 8:45 p.m. CST
Location unavailable
This is a remote assignment. The meeting will be live-streamed by CAN-TV at http://www.cantv.org/live. The video may not appear until at or a few minutes after the scheduled start time. If you do not see if right away, wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.
CAN-TV will also broadcast the meeting live on Chicago cable television channel 27.
The listed meeting end time is an estimate based on the duration of past meetings of this type.
As of this writing the agenda has not yet been posted. Usually by 48 hours before the meeting’s scheduled start, it will be linked at https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cpb/provdrs/public_meetings.html under “Most Recent News.” Click on the link to the agenda and save it, as it sometimes goes away after the meeting’s end.
Check the source website for additional information
Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team
Concealed carry license, Improper search and seizure, Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting this evening’s Chicago Police Board meeting for @CHIdocumenters #CHIdocumenters
06:55 PM Nov 17, 2022 CST

This evening’s 7:30pm meeting will be broadcast live on CAN TV. A livestream will be available at https://www.cantv.org/watch/

The meeting notice and agenda have been posted here: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cpb/provdrs/public_meetings/alerts/2022/november/notice-and-agenda-for-the-november-17-police-board-meeting.html https://t.co/5gCKaWFxWX

The board will reference police disciplinary cases during tonight’s meeting. I’ve found it’s useful to keep this page handy as cases are announced (they tend to go pretty quickly): https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cpb/provdrs/police_discipline.html

Livestream is active: https://www.cantv.org/watch/stream-can-tv27/ https://t.co/AVkbEhNFv8

Police Board president Ghian Foreman appears to be talking, but I can’t hear him (he’s not muted).

Somebody brought up an audio menu on the Zoom meeting, but no audio so far.
@cantvchicago Could closed captioning be enabled? https://t.co/50WsjxLSiZ

@cantvchicago Still cannot hear anything, but looks like the Board is discussing agenda item #3: Proposed stipulation and policy regarding the Board’s power to adopt CPD rules and regulations https://t.co/y0X9vchdyp

@cantvchicago there’s six possibilities of audio outputs in your Zoom menu. Could you try the others?

Ok, now I can hear, and the Board is discussing the process when COPA and CPD disagree on police officer disciplinary actions. https://t.co/xNeN6DxW4a

One member of the Police Board is chosen to rule when COPA/CPD disagree. https://t.co/C2sEmiQm6O

(For the record, the meeting did begin promptly on time at 7:00pm.)

Police disciplinary cases are next.
Final action on 22PB3004-2. Supt moved to withdraw action due to the officer’s resignation from the police department.

That was the only disciplinary case addressed by the Board tonight it seems.

Next is Supt Brown’s report. Brown says shootings are down 19% and homicides are down 15%. Also says:
- 11k illegal guns taken off the streets in 2022, 423 guns this month alone.
- Ended 2021 with 12k illegal guns removed. On pace to have 400 more guns removed this year. https://t.co/f7cZNpcsGq

Brown says tomorrow he’ll hold a press conference with business stakeholders regarding public safety during the holiday shopping season.

Next is Chief Administrator of COPA Andrea Kersten’s report.
- Received 464 complaints (145 retained)
- Improper search/seizure most common complaint – but not necessarily the most common sustained allegation https://t.co/eDxVy3xBhP

Kersten says COPA wants to understand why improper search/seizure is the most common complaint.
Kersten says also recently:
- COPA received notification of 3 officer involved shooting
- COPA attended 14 different community engagement events.

Kersten also addresses the new Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) and says COPA is excited about working with them.
Kersten agrees with Brown’s remarks regarding the criticality of accountability and cooperation between CPD, the Board, and COPA.

- A rep from the Chicago Youth Council For Police Accountability says they are still recruiting members.

- The caller, a black man who works for the city, says they were pulled over for a traffic violation. They told police they were a CCL holder with their firearm in their possession and say they were still arrested despite having all the required documentation.

Kersten says the caller in (2) can get in touch with COPA and can file a complaint regarding any misconduct that may have taken place.

Foreman asks Chief Skahill (Brown left) what the general process should be regarding CCL holders who are pulled over. Skahill says it depends on the details of the situation. Foreman doesn’t seem satisfied with Skahill’s answers and requests a presentation on this topic.

Skahill says that, regardless the situation, officers are trained to be aware of the citizen’s safety and rights (and the officer’s safety) when pulling someone over. Looks like CPD has agreed to the CCL/police stop presentation.

- The caller says the caller in (2) was pulled over for an expired sticker but was still shackled to a bench after being surrounded by 14 officers and at least 5 cars.

The caller in (3) say that, if one is pulled over for an expired “piece of plastic” then officers don’t even need to be discussing the CCL holder’s gun.

Caller in (3) says the caller in (2) did file a complaint already with COPA and they are waiting on video.

- Frequent Police Board caller Mr. Moore says he is also disgusted by what happened to the caller in (2) before going on his usual rant.

Foreman tells Moore that he let him talk a bit longer because he complimented Foreman. Moore says he didn’t mean to compliment him.

This concludes my coverage for @CHIdocumenters. #CHIDocumenters
Please see https://chicago.gov for more information. Reply to this thread or DM me with any questions.
Agency Information
Chicago Police Board
The Chicago Police Board is an independent civilian body that oversees various matters of the Chicago Police Department, mainly deciding disciplinary cases involving police officers or members of the department, and nominating candidates for Superintendent of Police. The nine individuals who sit on the board are appointed by the mayor.
If you’re attending a Police Board meeting in person, be prepared to go through security. You may hear graphic descriptions of violent events or loud verbal protest from members of the public.
Remote meetings may be viewed at https://cantv.org/watch-now/ or on CAN-TV, Chicago cable channel 27. The video recordings are later posted on Youtube and previously on CAN TV’s YouTube within a day or two.
Learn more or share your own tips about the Chicago Police Board on the Documenters message board here.