Community Development Commission

Chicago Community Development Commission

Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022
1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. CDT

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Samuel Smylie

Yellow Banana Save-A-Lot stores, Red Line extension, Chicago Market Coop, Roseland, Pullman, Uptown, Kinzie

Live reporting by Christian Gentry

Yellow Banana Save-A-Lot stores, Red Line extension, Chicago Market Coop, Roseland, Pullman, Uptown, Kinzie

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@CHIdocumenters There are some exciting stuff going through the committee today.
1. A proposal to modify the process for negotiated sales
2. A whole slew of TIF projects

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@CHIdocumenters As each TIF project comes up, I will explain its location and what the agenda item is.

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@CHIdocumenters As of 1:03 the meeting comes to order with the bare minimum quorum.
We are missing:
Wheat, Cepeda, McKibben, Cox, Curtis, David, Griggs, Brooks

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@CHIdocumenters The minutes of the past meeting were approved, and Comissioner McKibben has joined

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@CHIdocumenters Whoops Twitter was down for a while.
Some catchup. We started with item D. Centering around properties at 11331 S Michigan Ave

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@CHIdocumenters Michael Penicnak from DPD opened a presentation on the proposal for the purchase of a series of properties. These properties are located around 112th and Michigan ave, centered around the Pullman Visitors center.

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@CHIdocumenters The redline extension will eventually have a new stop right along this new corridor, which is envisioned as a mixed housing and development corridor.

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@CHIdocumenters Alderman Beale steps in to say his support for the project, which he granted in exchange for a letter of support from DPD for a hotel project in his ward.

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@CHIdocumenters Gomez asks about who is monitoring small minority business compliance
Tim Jeffries Deputy Comissioner of DPD says that there is a committee that manages all of that and tracks for all projects. All reports from these committees are available online

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@CHIdocumenters The item passes unanimously.

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@CHIdocumenters Edit, We started with item E

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@CHIdocumenters We move to item F, which is the acquisition authority for the previous project. Item E was the request for proposals, item F is the request to acquire the property.

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@CHIdocumenters The specific property being acquired by the city is this lot.

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@CHIdocumenters The item passes unanimously.

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@CHIdocumenters We move to item A. This is the change in Negotiated Sale rules

Chris Jang from DPD is presenting on the proposed rule change

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@CHIdocumenters The rule change, would do the following

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@CHIdocumenters John Paul Jones is up, community member, to talk about this item.

He lauds the item, saying that this process would give the community the ability to work more closely with the CDC before something goes before the city council.

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@CHIdocumenters The item passes unanimously

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@CHIdocumenters Item B is up. This is the start of a broader initiative to accept the amended redevelopment plan for the Pulaski Industrial Corridor TIF zone. Before any plan comes before the commission it has to go through a public meeting process, whose dates are TBD

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@CHIdocumenters This motion is unanimous

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@CHIdocumenters Next is item C. This is a proposal to authorize a feasibility study on the proposed red line extension TIF zone. Just like the previous item, there will be a Joint Review Board meeting, as well as public meetings TBD.

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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Dowell hops on, despite the lack of vote, she expresses her support for the red line extension, calling it “long overdue”

She however says that she has “strong misgivings” about a proposed red line TIF

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@CHIdocumenters She says that she is concerned that this will raid well-capitalized TIFs, and move property tax funding from one part of the city to an entire another part of the city.

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@CHIdocumenters She says that the transit TIF will hamstring development in the near south, Bronzeville, and gap neighborhoods. It will also not improve CTA functionality for those paying into the TIF.

She says she wants to keep TIF funds raised in the community in the community.

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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Beale also chimes in on the item. He says that there has never been any discussion of a TIF until now. He says that a TIF here lets the federal and state government off the hook, and sets a bad precedent.

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@CHIdocumenters Chairman Butler clarifies that this is not a vote on a TIF just a vote on accepting this as part of the planning process.

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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Trevino says that her understanding is that the TIF funds are to match federal and state funds.

She asks if this is relevant to discuss now.
Chair Butler clarifies that this is not a vote about the proposed TIF, and says it should be discussed at the joint meeting

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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Davis asks when is the appropriate time to express strong concern and possibly halt the process.

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@CHIdocumenters Chair Butler says that there is no official presentation yet, and thus there is no information to vote on yet. She says that the time to vote it down will be when the CTA or the DPD comes to the CDC with an actual request for TIF funding.

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@CHIdocumenters Ald McKibben expresses concern about the public meeting processes given the lack of access for those who are technologically challenged, and those who have languages issues

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@CHIdocumenters Leah Mooney from the CTA is on. She says that the meeting was hosted at the Harold Washington Library and was also hosted on Zoom. There was Cantonese and Mandarin language translation, and this was advertised in all the mailers.

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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Thomas says that she has a 60 pg, document. She asks if this is the feasibility study

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@CHIdocumenters Slatterly from DPD clarifies that this is the feasibility study.

Chair butler says that she was told that this was approving a feasibility study. But it appears that study has already been created.

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@CHIdocumenters Tim Jeffries from DPD is up. He says that the feasibility study that the commissioners currently have goes through the legal framework of the TIF and explains the feasibility of creating a TIF

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@CHIdocumenters He explains that this motion is to publicize this document, set up a formal discussion on the document, and plan both with the commission and the public at a later date.

Commissioner Thomas asks if the commission is ratifying the study now.
Butler says no.

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@CHIdocumenters It is clear that Chair Butler is not clear as to what she is voting on.

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@CHIdocumenters Dr. Briggs, a member of the public is on.
He says that he thought the feasability study was already done.
He asks where the TIF money is coming from and he asks where he is going after the feasability study

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@CHIdocumenters Leah Mooney from the CTA is on
She clarifies that the feasibility in question today is just a study on the use of a transit TIF.

She says that she was required to file a plan prior to this vote, and will take any comments into account for a final study presentation

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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Dowell is up. She says that Leah Mooney didn’t answer the funding question. She says the TIF money will be coming form the 3rd, 4th, 11th, and 42nd ward.

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@CHIdocumenters Tim Jeffries from DPD says that in order to present the full presentation on the TIF project, the feasibility study will need to be ratified at this meeting. It will be modified with comments from this and the public meeting.

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@CHIdocumenters Chair Butler seems to not have full understanding of what she is trying to vote for, or the process of DPD public engagement.

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@CHIdocumenters For clarification the proposal slated for passage “Request authority to authorize and ratify a feasibility study, and accept for review
the eligibility report and redevelopment plan for the proposed Red Line TIF and set dates for a
public meeting of the Joint Review Board. “

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@CHIdocumenters It seems that someone at DPD submitted an ordinance that is not in line with the agenda item description.

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@CHIdocumenters The proposal that DPD submitted for approval calls for a feasibility study to be prepared, not for the existing feasibility study to be accepted and publicized for review.

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@CHIdocumenters Given, the confusion the item is held until a member of the law office can come and speak on it.

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@CHIdocumenters Next we move to the proposed Kinzie Industrial Conservation Area TIF amendment.
This is just the proposal to accept the plan for review, and further discussion and votes will be taken following a Joint Review Board and public hearing.

Thus there is no presentation.

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@CHIdocumenters The item passes unanimously.

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@CHIdocumenters Next up is a proposal to negotiate a redevelopment agreement with CircEsteem for the site on 4730 N Sheridan rd

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@CHIdocumenters Emmett Morrison from DPD is up.
The project is in uptown, and the alderman is supportive of the project. The project would develop the site into an entertainment venue.

For context CircEsteem is Chicago’s youth circus program

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@CHIdocumenters Here is the current state of the site

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@CHIdocumenters This item passes unanimously.

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@CHIdocumenters Next up is the redevelopment agreement with Chicago Market of the historic Gerber Building at 4620, using Wilson Yard TIF funding.

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@CHIdocumenters Edward Solis is up to talk about the site.
He explains that Chicago Market is a Coop. The goal is to completely redevelop the interior space for a full service grocery store

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@CHIdocumenters The current Gerber building is a vacant space.

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@CHIdocumenters Commissioner Thomas asks if the developer owns the property.

Solis confirms that the CTA is the owner of the property, but the developer is signing a 20 year ground lease.

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@CHIdocumenters Matthew Ruffi from Chicago Market is up. He says that he anticipates this project is a long term project, and it contains 10 year lease options.

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@CHIdocumenters Chair Bulter asks about the source of the equity from Chicago Market.

Matthew Ruffi clarifies that ownership in the coop comes with funding, other equity comes from past owners, and other funding comes from donations.

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@CHIdocumenters Vice Chair Newsom asks about accessibility in the new site.

Matthew Ruffi, says that there will be an elevator, to give access to the basement as well as proper aisle corridors.

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@CHIdocumenters The motion passes

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@CHIdocumenters Next up is item H/I (Depending on which version of the agenda you are using). Around the site at 221 E 49th St.

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@CHIdocumenters William Grams from DPD is up presenting on the item. This is about the redevelopment of the former Overton school, to turn it into office space for local entrepreneurs

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@CHIdocumenters The project is looking for 5,000,000 in funding.

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@CHIdocumenters The project is estimated to generate around 110 full time jobs.

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@CHIdocumenters The developers are Washington Park Development Group, and have completed around $26 Million in projects since its inception.

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@CHIdocumenters Ald. Dowell expresses support for the project

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@CHIdocumenters The item passes unanimously.

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@CHIdocumenters We now move to item I/J depending on the agenda item. This is about a series of projects with developer Yellow Banana LLC.

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@CHIdocumenters These are all Save-A-Lot grocery stores.

Yellow Banana purchased the license to operate six Chicago stores, and the TIF funding would allow all six locations to be rehabilitated and modernized.

This will cost a total of $25m, at a cost to the city of around $13 in TIF

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@CHIdocumenters Alderman in the wards have given either verbal or written support.

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This project is contingent on all 6 stores operating.

The project passes unanimously. With Commissioner Thomas Abstaining.

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The final item is the Englewood Mall Redevelopment Project.

This item is to enter into a sale with Thrive Englewood for the site located at 914 w 6rd St.

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Aja Bonner is up.

The project would be a 6 story mixed income- mixed use building

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The site already has had its zoning changed properly by the Department of Planning. This parcel was initially a package as part of the Invest South West Project

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The developer is a local minority owned DL3 Realty. The developer has completed over 200,000 sqft of retail space.

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The budget for the project can be seen below

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The project has had 7 community meetings already, as well as letters of support from various health organizations, the alderman, and community groups.

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The Thrive Englewood project passes unanimously

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Back to the Red Line Extension TIF project discussion

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Chair Butler, says that the document which is 121 pages, has not been reviewed, and the lack of response from the Law Department, and thus suggests that the item get pushed to the September meeting for review.

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Commissioner McKibben says that the affected wards that Ald. Dowell stated, was different than what was listed in the agenda.

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Tim Jeffries from DPD says that a member of the Department of Law is here to answer any questions.

He clarifies that the area of fund generation is limited to the wards of 3, 5, 11, 35, and 42.

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Tim Jeffries seems to be a little frustrated. He tries to explain that this is just putting the document on file so that the public and other interested parties can have a common frame of reference for submitting feedback.

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Edit: it is wards 3, 5, 11, 25, 42

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Ald. Dowell, makes a formal request to receive a copy of the 161 pg report.

Fran Rood, a TIF consultant is here. She reiterates what Jeffries stated. She said that if the board passes this now, it will go into a larger review and public comment phase.

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Lou Turner a professor of Urban Planning from UoI is on the line. He speaks in support of the Red Line TIF designation. He says that similar TIF projects have happened for the Red/Purple north side modernization project.

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Chair Butler, asks if the CDC can set the dates for the Joint Committee Meeting, and the Public Hearing, without ‘ratifying’ the document

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Scott Fehlan from the Law Office clarifies that the “feasibility study” is just 4 sentences in the plan clarifying that a TIF project here would be legal

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Following a conversation between commissioner Thomas, and Fehlan. Chair Butler proposes passing the motion striking the word “ratify”.

She asks that the department meet with the commission and interested alderman more intensely than normal, which Jeffries agrees

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That proposal is made and the resolution passes unanimously

Agency Information

Chicago Community Development Commission


See Documenters reporting

The Community Development Commission (CDC) was established by the Chicago City Council in 1992 to assume the duties of the former Commercial District Development Commission and the Department of Urban Renewal. The CDC reviews and recommends action on the provision of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to assist private redevelopment projects; the designation of new TIF districts and Redevelopment Areas; the sale of City-owned property located in TIF districts and Redevelopment Areas; and the appointment of members to Community Conservation Councils.

Video recordings of past meetings are posted by the Chicago Department of Planning and Development on Youtube.

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