All Districts Meeting
Department of NeighborhoodsLocation unavailable
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Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team
The meeting showcased FY25 budgets for several departments. Representatives presented preliminary budgets from the Public Lighting Department and Public Lighting Authority, as well as the Fire, Health and Police Departments.
The meeting showcased FY25 budgets for several departments. Representatives presented preliminary budgets from the Public Lighting Department and Public Lighting Authority, as well as the Fire, Health and Police Departments.
03:20 PM Sep 30, 2024 CDT

Agency Information
Department of Neighborhoods
The Department of Neighborhoods (DON) provides a direct link between the City of Detroit and block clubs, community groups, business owners, faith and school leaders, and everyday residents. The 14-member team includes a district manager and deputy district manager in each City Council district. Their top responsibility is fighting blight and rebuilding and strengthening the fabric of the neighborhoods. The managers directly engage thousands of residents and volunteers in both major initiatives like Motor City Makeover, Halloween in the D and tax foreclosure prevention and smaller efforts, such as vacant lot clean-ups and house board-ups. However their work goes far beyond that. District managers help residents form block clubs and community associations; drive community engagement on neighborhood planning projects and other initiatives; resolve citizens’ complaints; and educate residents on a broad range of City programs and policies.